Briana Stephen

I had an epiphany today while sitting in the oncologist's office. There's so much talk and paraphernalia about finding cures for cancer. There's bitter talk about why Heavenly Father would allow such suffering. I sat there thinking to myself, No. My heart tells me it's not like that at all! ... Think of the communities and families that have come together to love, serve, and mourn with one another.

Our Father in heaven provides opportunities every day for us to keep his commandments, to follow His ultimate example of serving, loving, caring for His spirit children, our spirit brothers and sisters. I get to experience firsthand on a daily basis how beautiful the hearts of mankind really are.

Turn off the news of contentious politics, crime, and adultery for a bit. You'll find a world of compassion. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE to all those who uplift and show me what leading a Christ-like life is really all about. Loads and loads of LOVE!!!

-Bri, March 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Scan Results from 12/20/10

"Are you sitting down?" is what my oncologist first asked when he called to share the results of Monday's scans. Unfortunately, not the news we hoped for. The cancer's spreading so much that chemo and vitamin c infusions (so far) are not working. Previous lesions on my lungs have doubled in size with innumerable new ones. Same goes for the liver and other places in my abdomen. That's the good news. Bad news is that several new tumors in my brain have developed in addition to the previously growing ones there, too. So..unless the brain is controlled there's nothing more my oncologist can see helping since very little penetrates the blood/brain barrier. Another emergency meeting with a radiologist to discuss options is next.

I just want you all to know how grateful I am for all the ceaseless love and support. It continues to lift us and bring peace into our home. We are grateful for the miracle of life every day. More than two years at this point to enjoy my family since an awful diagnosis, and with many serious bumps along the way, is a miracle in itself. We have seen blessing upon blessing. We have seen our children learn valuable lessons of service from each of you. We have watched their testimonies strengthen as they develop an understanding and acceptance of death, the resurrection, and eternal life. What comfort we receive and enjoy in our home from the spirit that accompanies the Holy Ghost. He lets us know that Heavenly Father is watching over us and that His plan for us will bring the greatest happiness even when we don't understand it now.

Celebrating the birth of our Savior, whose life and Atonement offers the opportunity for us to repent and reunite with Him, brings tears of joy. Never before have I been more grateful for the knowledge of eternal families, and that we will all be reunited after this life -- that knowledge is a gift from God that brings more peace than anything else could at this time, not knowing what the future holds for me.

I love you,


  1. I Love you too Bri. Please know that I believe you are the most beautiful spirit I've had the priveledge of knowing. I remember sitting next to you in 6th grade when I was the new kid in class. You were so nice to me and even came over to my house so we could get to know each other more. Throughout the course of your illness, you've been more optimistic and loving than most of us are on a good day. I have learned so many lessons about life just by reading your words on this blog. I pray for you every day and hope for peace in your life and for your family. I realize that you are accepting this prognosis, which takes extraordinary strength. I continue to pray that a miracle will occur. I love you so much Bri! You are beautiful and have been sent into my life for purposes of learning, transforming, and cherishing each breath that I am given.

    Love, Hope, Hugs, and Strength,

  2. I, too, am going to ask Heaven for more miracles. They've given us all they can thus far. There must be something pretty darn important going on that Heaven is so anxious about your return. They must not be able to do without you, Bri... that's what you get for being so dang precious. Consider it a compliment if you can, I dont see any other way that this is going to make sense. You must be awfully important up there girl. At least, if it is meant for you to return ahead of typical schedule, you can go up with your head held high and walk in like you own the place. I think you've earned the right, and if you're going by golly, they better have the red carpet ready.

    No fear, you hear me? Not even for a second.

  3. I love you, Brianna. So sorry about the hard news.
    I'm glad you got to have such an amazing Disney trip! What a great memory for your family.
    Merry Christmas! I hope it was a happy one!

  4. You are an amazing example of strength as a woman and a mother. I have followed your journey and have seen that you always have that sparkle in your smile, which is how I always remembered you in school. I continue to pray for you and your family. God bless you and is with you always.
    All my love,
    Jessica Knop-Ramirez

  5. Bri,
    This is not the news that we wanted to hear. We have been praying for and expecting miracles. My christmas message this year was "Do not Fear" as that seemed to be the message that the angel Gabriel was spreading to all. The Lord's council today is the same. We read in D&C 68:6 "Be of good cheer and do not fear......." Everything will be OK because the Lord came into the world and completed His mission for us. I still pray for miracles for you and your family, but I also pray that His spirit will continue to bless you with peace and the knowledge that everything will be OK.
    We Love you! You are an inspiration and an Angel in our lives.

    Bishop Bateman and Family

  6. Bri, I am sorry to hear the news. I can only try to imagine how hard that most have felt. However, I am happy to see how much you and your family have grown through this trial; how close you have grown and how much love is in your hearts. There is a lot of comfort in knowing that we have a loving Father in Heaven who loves us and knows and wants what is best for us and our families. Even when we don't completely understand His designs for us, the Holy Ghost is real and brings the peace no one can bring on this earth. I know the Holy Ghost is conforting you and your love ones. It is my prayer and the one of our families that you receive the guidence and strength to understand the amazing blessings the Lord has for you. You have been an amazing example of faith and good attitude during all this time of trial. You are always in our prayers. We love you and pray for you, for your children, your husband and family. I know you know the Lord is in charge and He loves you beyond our understanding. We send our love and faith that miracles will continue to happen in the Lords way.

    Diana and family
