Briana Stephen

I had an epiphany today while sitting in the oncologist's office. There's so much talk and paraphernalia about finding cures for cancer. There's bitter talk about why Heavenly Father would allow such suffering. I sat there thinking to myself, No. My heart tells me it's not like that at all! ... Think of the communities and families that have come together to love, serve, and mourn with one another.

Our Father in heaven provides opportunities every day for us to keep his commandments, to follow His ultimate example of serving, loving, caring for His spirit children, our spirit brothers and sisters. I get to experience firsthand on a daily basis how beautiful the hearts of mankind really are.

Turn off the news of contentious politics, crime, and adultery for a bit. You'll find a world of compassion. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE to all those who uplift and show me what leading a Christ-like life is really all about. Loads and loads of LOVE!!!

-Bri, March 2010

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Radiation to come

I haven't kept you in the dark so far and hesitate to now with all the questions I'm getting.

So you all read my latest scan results, but if you're like us, you're not sure exactly what that meant. Eric and I visited with my oncologist who said, essentially, my brain is racing against my body. If I do no more treatment of any kind, I'm looking at weeks of life. If I do whole brain radiation successfully, he hopes I'll be around in three months. When we met the radiation oncologists, they were more optimistic in saying that if the body remained stable with successful radiation, we're looking more at six months of life. According to them, chemotherapy would be futile, so they would turn me over to hospice care after that.

The ugly truth is that the tumors are quickly growing in the brain. Because of the skull, there's no place for the brain to shift except to herniate down the spinal canal--painful and fatal. So...brain radiation starts tomorrow, every day for ten days, in hopes that if any tumors advance quicker, they'll be in the body rather than brain.

Such news is overwhelming, but our family has been blessed with a peace and understanding that I imagine is reserved for families in such circumstances -- certainly feelings that I didn't have until a couple months ago. (And this change of heart and mind is, I think, a miracle in itself because I know that I couldn't feel the way I do without divine intervention.) For the past couple years the kids knew death was a likely outcome from this disease, but given a short guesstimated timeline really hit them. When we talked it over, the kids expressed their sadness, but comfort in knowing families are forever. Their greatest concerns dealt with their care and security. "Who will take care of us? Will Dad get remarried? Will Grandma stay here?" All questions we still don't have sure answers to, but we can guarantee they'll be loved and cared for.

We still have hope and knowledge that, with the Lord, I can be healed. However, it would be foolish of us to not prepare for the alternative since we don't know God's long-term plan for me. Writing letters, making serious decisions, etc...

To end on a positive note, I have an amazing doctor in Davis who has offered encouraging words and help. He asked me how I felt. I said I still feel the same with very little pain. If I still feel good, why would I stop fighting for life? he asked. Good point. He is helping me by increasing my vitamin c infusions quantities and frequency, and whatever else he can. We were confused about what to do, but when the doctor came a callin' with a plan, we jumped on board! Time will tell, but we're along for the ride and doing all we can.


  1. I am a friend to lindsey waite who asked that we all pray for you. I don't know you, but I've learned what an amazing person you are through Lindsey. May you continue to have peace in your home and spend these moments with your family in happiness and love. God bless you and your sweet family.

  2. Briana,
    You aren't ready to stop "participating" yet, I know you are becoming increasingly comfortable with whatever the future holds but don't get in any hurry. I am becoming increasingly more comfortable with this whole thing too, I think because I think we both hear Heaven saying "this is what you would choose if you knew what your choices were".

    You are being asked some very, very tough questions right now indeed. And I know that you're going to tend to things with a power that any mother only wishes she had. Like I said, just don't get into any hurry. Stay positive, watch funny movies, laugh a lot and take pictures. Play games, cook awesome food, sing loud songs and invite people over!

  3. Bri,
    I love your optimism, and I am grateful to know you are feeling little pain. This has been my prayer for you lately. You are a walking miracle, and I expect there are many more to come. We don't have all the answers, but we do have a Father in Heaven who loves us no matter what. He will help you deal with the treatment, and the roller coaster of emotions and things to be done. Keep on fighting and know there are many prayers being said for you everyday!

  4. Brianna,

    We don't know one another but I learned of your story from Tammy Haar. You have been in my thoughts and prayers for months and I'm so impressed by your strength, optimism and wonderful sense of humor :) I just wanted you to know that there are so many of us, strangers even, praying for you. You have renewed my faith and testimony. You are my hero. Much love to you and your beautiful family.

  5. Briana- sure love you! We are still praying for you and your family. You are one tough cookie! You are an inspiration to us all! I wish I could be there to bring meals, watch kids, etc.
    love you so much,

  6. Briana,

    You and your beautiful family continue to be in our prayers. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending hugs your way. You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for being so open and honest through all you have had to conquer. Continue forward in your incredible strength knowing that the Lord is with you. Love you.

  7. Dear Bri, you keep amazing me and so many others. We always keep you in our prayers. Keep on fighting and smiling! Your smile is contagious and so beautiful:)
