Briana Stephen

I had an epiphany today while sitting in the oncologist's office. There's so much talk and paraphernalia about finding cures for cancer. There's bitter talk about why Heavenly Father would allow such suffering. I sat there thinking to myself, No. My heart tells me it's not like that at all! ... Think of the communities and families that have come together to love, serve, and mourn with one another.

Our Father in heaven provides opportunities every day for us to keep his commandments, to follow His ultimate example of serving, loving, caring for His spirit children, our spirit brothers and sisters. I get to experience firsthand on a daily basis how beautiful the hearts of mankind really are.

Turn off the news of contentious politics, crime, and adultery for a bit. You'll find a world of compassion. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE to all those who uplift and show me what leading a Christ-like life is really all about. Loads and loads of LOVE!!!

-Bri, March 2010

Thursday, May 28, 2009


It's a mess in this photo, but be honest -- short hair or longer? Eric, no need to respond...we all know what you think.

I see in this picture how much I'm starting to look like Mom, especially with my haircut. The funniest thing--for Mother's Day, Mom bought me a Sunday dress and I bought her one, as well. We wore them to church on Sunday and several people commented on how I look like my mom, wearing a collared shirt, and how Mom looked like me with a light, flowy dress. Like mother, like daughter (or vice versa), I guess.


  1. I love your short hair although really how could you go wrong? Lucky you, your Mom is gorgeous and so are you Bri. I miss you Tiffany was so greatful for your basket. I told her I am sure you could understand her heartache like no one else.

  2. Personally, I like long hair better, but I still think about cutting mine all the time. But who cares, it's just hair! You need a change every now and then and you look super cute with it short too!!

    You really do look a lot like mom with your hair the same length! I don't remember mom's being that long! You both look really good!!

  3. I've learned the hard way that short hair has to be styled to look good. So it depends on if you like the long, just brush it look or if you want a style. Either way looks good on you.

  4. You can not go wrong either way! Your great smile is what catches ones attention! The best thing is hair is always changable.I had shorter hair for awhile but, I thought it was more work then when it was longer.Your beautiful either way!

  5. I love it! Gavin told me you cut your hair and I told him I was going to have to come and visit you and see for myself.

  6. Hello... Just checking on your update and so happy to see you are up and about with a great big smile..
    Our Prayers continue for you....

  7. Hi Bri, you two are just gorgeous! So long or short is hot on you. I just cut mine and I miss the long but then I get reminded is so hot in az so short is great too! That's fun that you both got each other a dress. Great minds think alike. Have a great week girly.

  8. I Love it shorter!!! It gives you a little extra pazzzzzza! I'll be cutting mine soon. But it will still be BLUE!!!!

    You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I am thankful to be a part of your life. So far I have had the honor of knowing 2 wonderful women. You and Natalie. There's a reason why my Mom introduce me to you two, and I am grateful she did.

    May your trip hurry up and get here!!

