Briana Stephen

I had an epiphany today while sitting in the oncologist's office. There's so much talk and paraphernalia about finding cures for cancer. There's bitter talk about why Heavenly Father would allow such suffering. I sat there thinking to myself, No. My heart tells me it's not like that at all! ... Think of the communities and families that have come together to love, serve, and mourn with one another.

Our Father in heaven provides opportunities every day for us to keep his commandments, to follow His ultimate example of serving, loving, caring for His spirit children, our spirit brothers and sisters. I get to experience firsthand on a daily basis how beautiful the hearts of mankind really are.

Turn off the news of contentious politics, crime, and adultery for a bit. You'll find a world of compassion. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE to all those who uplift and show me what leading a Christ-like life is really all about. Loads and loads of LOVE!!!

-Bri, March 2010

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sand Dunes

We had a blast this weekend at the sand dunes! Thanks, Mark, for your hospitality and for showing us such a great time! Eric and I drove home wondering if we could possibly get a trailer for fun family trips like that. I think it's part of our new 5year financial plan. ;)


Monday, January 26, 2009

Raymonds Move to Thousand Oaks

It's official...the Raymonds are Californians now. They moved here the weekend of January 24th and we're so excited to have them so close -- just a 10-15 minute drive away. We haven't had any family nearby in 5 years, so it's a big deal for us!

Their house is adorable. I did my best not to covet the cute floorplan and decor. The upload function isn't working right now, but I'll post a few snapshots soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Leyna, Leyna Lou -- We Love You!

Well, I completed my 5th round of chemo this week. It was the first time I attempted it on my own, trying to live life normally without depending on mothers or sisters for help. Not to say I wasn't dependent on my fantastic husband. Eric was a huge help. I bought him a tshirt this week that says, "Trophy Husband." I meant it to convey what a prize he is for me, but I think he's too embarrassed to wear it outside the house -- something about feeling like a piece of meat. ;)

I have to confess that it was rather easy this time around because 90% of my workload was missing. Leyna was in AZ all week staying with Tiff & Joan. She came home today and boy -- it's amazing the noise level and chaos a 2 year old can produce! I'll take that chaos most any day, though -- we all missed her enormously. I mean, come on, look at these photos. How can you not miss a rugrat like this?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Playtime Photos

Kami wears rollerblades constantly. You'll even find her watching tv with them on. No surprise that she had a blast ice skating the other day for the first time with Kaija & Mishayla Fortuna.

Kade is the best 7 yr old skateboarder I've seen. I tease him that I love him skateboarding, but the day he starts sagging his pants the board will be taken away. What is with that trend anyway? I've never been able to figure it out.

Notice Gavin in the background. If he doesn't appear on the XGames in the future, I'll be surprised!

Isn't this what all 4 year olds do?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A note to all fellow bloggers....

I love hearing from all of you, and love checking in on your lives, as well. Many of you have left comments on my blog, but I don't have your emails or #s to contact you. So a request to all my fellow blogging friends with closed sites -- Can I be invited to view your blogs also? My email is Thanks, my friends.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Serena Visits from Oklahoma

Well, I had intended on showing Mom & Serena a good time this week -- full of hiking, movies, museums & shopping. Wouldn't you know it, but I had the most nauseating week of chemo yet and was sedentary on the couch pretty much the whole time. Serena's visit essentially consisted of cleaning house and chasing kids...yet she still insists that she had a great time. We hope you'll come back and visit sooner than later so we can show you what a great time really is like, Sis. Thanks for all your help! We love and miss you already!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Great News!

Once a month, a CEA blood test is done to determine how much disease is in the body. To give you an idea, before surgery the count was about 450. After surgery it dropped to 146. (They want the count to be below 2.) After 3 rounds of chemo, the CEA count came back at 10!!!

I knew it was going to be low, but after seeing the doctor's and nurses' reactions, it made us feel all the better. Our oncologist was amazed and practically speechless, the nurses had chills.

I think regardless of the blood and CT scan results, they want to continue the chemo treatments just to make sure there are no microscopic amounts of cancer left. It's a pain, but so worth it! I just finished round 4 today and am dealing with the nausea, muscle spasms, and neuropathy side effects, but it's soooo worth it when we know it's working so well.

Thanks to all of you for your support and help, and especially the prayers and fasts which I know have more power than anything else! I'm so blessed to have each of you in my life!!!

Love you all!